Saturday 30 July 2022

10 Online Graphic Designing Jobs

10 Online Graphic Designing Jobs

10) Jobs If You Want To Be A Digital Nomad

You have seen the Instagram photos of people around the world working remotely, and living their best lives - digital nomads. It used to be that if you wanted to see the world, you had to quit your job and see where it takes you. These days with the availability of digital skills and jobs, you can work on the road to pay your way through traveling.

If you are determined to fund your travels and see the world, it is time to start looking for a job that can make your digital nomad dreams come true. Keep in mind that when you go digital, you might not always progress your career. Most of these jobs allow you to use a skill and even master it, but if you are feeling very career driven it is harder to get that kind of job unless you are a highly skilled worker.

No experience is an experience, you can always progress your career after being a digital nomad for a few years, or who knows if your job is creative like content creation or writing, it could be a perfect inspiration.

Check out these 10 jobs to become a digital nomad and start your world travels.
THETALKO VIDEO OF THE DAY 10 Virtual Assistant

With the world going digital, administrative duties are too. Assistants don't need to be as present in office space when their work can mostly be done remotely, and companies can contract VA's from anywhere in the world.

One thing to keep in mind is timezone when working remotely, and virtual assistant is one thing that can definitely be a conflict for you if you are traveling and working. Other than that, many positions are flexible and let you get work done on your own time.

Related: Career Trend: What Is A Virtual Assistant & How To Emerge Into It

9) Content Creator

Content creation is a broad title and it covers a lot of different jobs that include digital, video, audio and written content. Many social media influencers are content creators in that they travel, create social media posts and collaborate with brands to advertise products.

But a content writer is someone who does written content for websites, brands and even media outlets. Utilize your content creation skills to leverage your freelancing career from anywhere in the world.

8) Online Teacher Or Tutor

A fun way to work as a digital nomad is by being an online teacher or tutor. Depending on what you can teach, it influences what platforms you can give classes or recruit private students.

The most common and possible consistent opportunities include teaching English as a second language online through platforms that reach students in countries all over the world.

7) Writer

Other than being a content writer, you can manage your own blog or freelance articles from anywhere in the world. The freelance life is a good one, but a tough one. Sometimes you get a lot of work, and sometimes none - which can make your travel plans a little bumpy sometimes.

Build your freelance writing career before heading abroad and becoming a digital nomad.

6) Graphic Designer

Graphic design is a very specific skill you need to harness before launching a career as a digital nomad. If you are a dedicated graphic designer, then take your job on the road, but if not then do take the classes to help you refine the skill first and develop a career that will allow you to go nomadic.

It is worth the investment in the skill, for a lifestyle that allows you to have more freedom.

5) Programmer

If you needed another reason to gain skills in tech and programming, it is that there are often a lot of remote work opportunities for programmers and engineers. You don't have to have a degree in computer engineering to gain skills in tech, do a BootCamp or take some online courses to start getting side-gigs and build a career as a programmer, from abroad.

Programming is as international as being a digital nomad.

4) Customer Service Rep

There are many jobs available as a customer service rep, either dialing up to a computer for international calling or even answering people's questions through a chat. While this might not be the most exciting job, it is certainly an accessible one that does not take previous experience or skill, simply an internet connection and a headset.

3) SEO Specialist

SEO means search engine optimization, and someone who has refined skills in this science can be of great use to any international company. From writing for SEO to helping companies increase their online presence by using tricks to get recognized by search engine algorithms.

Take some courses to become a SEO specialist and get hired just about anywhere.

2) Website Designer

If you are a website designer or interested in becoming one, you will be able to work from just about anywhere. With the importance of online presence, just about every company needs a website and someone to make it for them.

Become a website designer, and you will always have a job for a digital nomad lifestyle.

Related: Should Web Design Become Your Side Gig?

1) Social Media Or Community Manager

If you love social media and online community management, the good news is you can pretty much do that from anywhere. Many jobs are regionally specific, but it depends on if you are full-time, or managing multiple communities part-time.

Use your social media skills to work from anywhere.

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10 Online Graphic Designing Jobs

10 Online Graphic Designing Jobs 10) Jobs If You Want To Be A Digital Nomad You have seen the Instagram photos of people around the world w...